Friday, August 04, 2006

Parents - Masters

It is about that time to again remind parents and masters it is the coaches job to coach!!! Please read the attached!!

Team Vegas/Henderson Water PoloParent Code of Conduct
In order for our club to compete successfully at the highest level, it is essential to recognize that participation in the Team Vegas/Henderson is a commitment being made by entire families, not just players. Therefore, it is important that we outline our expectations for parents as well as players.

Please read the following guidelines that we expect our parents to follow.

Parents are allowed to attend practices and encouraged to attend games. However, parents are expected to stay away from the side of the pool and away from the coaches during practices and games. Parents should support the players on our teams and refrain from making disparaging remarks about or directed at any of our players, coaches, opponents, or officials. Parents must avoid any physical or verbal confrontations with the parents, coaches, and players of our club or our opponents or with the officials. Parents are not coaches; the players should receive their directions only from the coaching staff on the pool deck, not from parents in the stands. The coaching staff is giving directions which will enhance the entire team (not just one child). Parents cheer for the team/players and don’t yell out any directions.Parents are expected to have rides available for their children at the time that practices and games are scheduled. Parents need to understand that part of the mission of the coaches is to help the players develop into mature, responsible young men and women. Therefore, it is the responsibility of players to communicate directly with coaches when issues arise. Decisions about playing time, travel teams, and all other water polo related matters are made exclusively by the coaching staff and are not open to debate, discussion, or negotiation with parents. A player should feel free to discuss his/her status with the coaches at an appropriate time. Parents are expected to get their children to all practices and games on time. If you cannot be on time, be early! No player will be allowed to participate in any practice or game unless he/she is registered with the club. All club dues must be paid in full in order for a player to be allowed to enter the water.

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