Wednesday, August 02, 2006

August Tournament Info - Important

Team Vegas/Henderson Water Polo
August 18 – 22, 2006
(Friday to Sunday)

We will be hosting our first tournament and want this event to run smoothly so team want to come back. Our goal is to provide a well-organized tournament from the 1st game to the last game. We will need everyone (players, parents, wives, husbands) to help!! Every player on the team MUST work at least a total of 5 hours (score table – concessions – Referee). The cost for everyone will be $25.00 – if you do not work at least 5 hours you will be asked to donate an additional $25.00

Here are the people in charge of certain aspects of the tournament:

-Mark St John – Clocks for both sides
-Joe Peila – Referees
-Valerie Melia – Concession Stand – VIP drinks – T-Shirt Sales
-Desk Officials – Tony – assign table workers
-Awards – Aniko Hegedus
-Programs – Mark Wasik
-Equipment – Chris Magee

Please fill the info below:

_________________________ (name/names) will attend the tournament – August 18-20th (Fri to Sun).

___ I will plan on being free the entire weekend (to play and
and work)
___ I will be free for games only
___ I will be free for some games and work when I can

Club: Return forms and money to Sarah or Jake
Masters: Return forms and money to Rob Wills

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