Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summer Tournament

Our Summer Tournament - August 18-19 (Sat and Sun) everyone will be playing. Do not make any plans all day!!!

The cost will be $20 per player - payable to Team Vegas. If you do not sign up for at least 4 hours to either work the table, set up, clean up your cost will be: $40. Club players: every one's parent (one or both, but at least one must help - table, set up, clean up, selling) or your cost is: $60.00

Here are the people in charge of the tournament: see these people to sign up.

Tony - Louie: Table workers
Joe: Ref's
Matt Nagel: Concession Stand
Mark St. John: Set up
Jake & Eliz: Ball Shaggers
Aniko: T-shirt design
Need someone to order Awards: Team - MVP - see Sandy

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