Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scottsdale Results

Great Weekend - A's took home the Gold, as Edwin would say Back to Back Baby!!  Our defense was the key to our wins and Marcus was pretty awesome in the cage!!  Congrats to: Marcus, Rob, Peter, Magee, Andre, Chris, Edwin, Ben, Robert, Joe and Mike.

Our B's were giant killers - beating Kaos Sunday morning was an awesome game!!  There willing to listen, learn and taking responsibly was their key for their performance!  Ryan was great in the goal, Jake was drawing kickouts at two meter, Zach our sprinter, Cliff, Brendan, Adam, Nik, Thor, Max and Louie!! I'll tell you our teams turned a lot of head!!!  We were the only team playing as a team!!!

Great weekend!!!  Very proud of both teams!!!


Unknown said...

I am extremely proud of our B team! They played like men against New Mexico.

Vaune #2 said...

Awesome TVH Masters way to repeat. To the "B" team, fantastic team work!!!! See you all at practice:):) Be safe and GO STEELERS!!!!