Thursday, January 20, 2011

Irvine KAP7 Tournament

KAP7 International Tournament

Where: Irvine, California

When: February 11-13, 2011 Friday – Sunday

Teams available for entry are as follows:
10 & Under Coed
12 & Under Girls*
12 Under Boys
14 & Under Boys
16 & Under Boys

Age Determination is August 1st, 2011**

Hotel rate of $79+tax a night double beds, free breakfast, refrigerator in room.

Depending on how many teams we can field and enter as well as number of players attending cost can be anywhere from $80-$100 per athlete.

Please email me your intentions on attendance (yes, no, maybe) to this tournament by January 22nd Saturday.
If you have addition questions or concerns you can call 702-477-5529

This tournament has been moved up from original late spring date.  With such short notice of event date change we need to make a decision on entry soon. Thank you for understanding. 

*If we do not have enough 12U Girls to field a team they will enter in 12U Boys Division.
**Age group is determined by whatever your age is on August 1st, 2011. i.e if you turn 11 in     April of this year you are considering as being 11 for this tournament, even though you are actually 10 at the time of the tournament.

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