Monday, January 17, 2011

Scottsdale Game Schedule

Games are all played at the Sun Jewish Community Center pool located at 12701 N Scottsdale Road.  Security is very tight at the facility for the first game of each day, you must enter the North entrance off Sweetwater Road.  All other games to enter through main entrance off Scottsdale Road.

The "A" and "B" team play back to back which is nice.  We can watch and cheer for each other.

As of today here are the teams: A's  Marcus - Peter - Magee - Joe - Robert - Ben - Chris D - Mike - Edwin - Andre.  B's  Ryan - Jake - Thor - Cliff - Louie -  Max - Brenden - Nik - Zach Jr - Adam - maybe Carlos.  Carlos have not paid yet.

Brenden will take balls and caps - get balls on Thursday at Heritage, I will give you caps on Tuesday.

For the 1st game please be at the pool 1 hour before game time after the 1st game meeting times will be announced.

9:00 am    B's vs Scottsdale A
10:00 am  A's vs ABQ Masters
2:00 pm   A's vs ASU
3:00 pm   B's vs UNM (University of New Mexico)
4:00 pm   A's vs Scottsdale B
There is a 5 pm game - after the last game Drew has a BBQ at his home... very nice last year!

9:00 am   Vegas B vs Kaos - this could change to an 8 am game
Last game will be the 4th vs 4th - 3rd vs 3rd - 2nd vs 2nd and 1st vs 1st.
Last game on Sunday begins at 1 pm.

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