Tony, Mark, Whitney and I are going to have the following plan in effect Jan 5th to the next quarter (April).
Eleanor - Zach - Max - Brenden - Josh - Dr Phil - Gabby - Ben - Ashton - Dale - Skyler - Jarrod - Steven Kass - Ryan - Nik - Adam
Derek - Joey - Steven A - Hannah - Noah - Wyatt - Al - Santana - Noland - Tyler M - Parker - Andre - Casey - Lake
Maci - Mia - Sarah - Chloe - Gage - Sam - Laura - Ben - Jared M - Armen - Zane - Mike and Molly
Wave's: Whitney T/Th 6-8:15 pm Sat's 1-2 pm.
Rapid's: Whitney T/Th 6-8:40 pm Sat's 1-2:30 pm
Surf's: Whitney T/Th 6-9 pm Sat 2:20-3:30 pm
To be in the Surf group and to stay in the Surf group you must:
-Have very very good attendance
-Work hard without being told
-Know the rules of the game
-Know all systems (should have a notebook on plays
-On Time
-The older Surf's should be working out with the masters - please see me - you will get a discount in master's dues.
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