Wednesday, October 15, 2008

University of Arizona Tournament

Got the game schedule from the tournament director - he said he had to get the schedule approved but should not change much. There are 8 teams - 2 brackets of 4. We are in with: ASU - KOAS (this is the team we beat in OT this summer) and U of A "B" team. Our Game schedule: Sat: 8 am vs UofA "B" (be at pool 45 mins before game time, ready for team meeting). 1:30 pm vs KOAS (rest of the games be at the pool 30 mins ready for team meeting). At least we will be out of there before the Cal UofA Football game. Sat night (Time to be announced) BBQ at Thor's place.

Sun: 10 am vs ASU - the our final game will depend on our record... last game to begin at 3:30 pm.

Check the blog again before you drive to Arizona.... if there is any change after Thurs pm I will call you or your drivers.

Check with Thor if you want to eat Friday night...he knows of a great Mexican place.

Last check your emails - I sent everyone but Mike and Dandy our game plan and goals for the weekend.


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