Masters: At our summer tournament this past August we broke the City's shot clock and they have sent the club a bill of $1,200.00 Before we set up a fund raiser I would like to ask the players to make a donation so we can pay the City for the shot clock.
Club: I want to thank everyone for taking part of the See's Candy sale... we need to purchase so many items: Ball Carts (cardboard boxes just did not cut it after our cart broke) Goal Backing with our Team Logo... Balls....
For those club players who are not selling the See's Candy will still be responsible to raise $66.00 each before the end of the year. Maybe you can get together and set up a car wash. I understand if you can not come up with the $66 before you sell the candy but we can not afford to lose money like our past fund raisers (there are still Krispy Kreme cards and money still out).
We will also have a Garage Sale before the end of the year.
If everyone pledges $50 each, it should cover the clock plus extra. Let's make it a team effort. I'll be bringing my donation to tonights practice.
How many Krispy Kreme cards do we have left?
They don't expire so I can try to sell them at school.
Let me know.
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