Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Reminder for Weekend

1.  With everyone coming in at different times, some leaving Saturday am, coaches will not be able to talk to players on Friday night.  So everyone be at the pool ( not walking in, not driving in the parking lot, not in the locker room, ON DECK sitting in front of your coach) one hour before your game time.

2.   We have four different teams entered in the tournament, it is not often we are all playing at the same location so we need to take advantage of this situation.  I want to see all teams cheering on your teammates, all sitting together in one area.  They have an awesome snack bar, not just junk food so you don't need to leave the pool to get food, you should have your own cooler with drinks and snacks, or bring things to eat between games (P&J sandwich etc) or you can send 1/2 parents to bring back food for the players on your team.  Bring your lawn chair - a must!!  Looks like it will be sunny this weekend, not real hot but if you have a pop up tent that would be good to bring. 

Please wear TVH water polo gear!!  Taylor's can you bring our banners and something to tie onto the fence? 

We are very short on the # of players on some of the teams - I will let you know if we might use you to play up on another team. (No one will play down, so don't ask - Nik).

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