Monday, January 31, 2011

Dion Gray - Goalie Coach

Come see Jared Gray perform with his band this Saturday, February 5th, 2011 @ 9:00 p.m. Freakin' Frog across from UNLV. Show is free. Jared is the son of our former USA Goalie Dion Gray.

"All the shows are free, and they have great bar food and a HUGE beer selection."
Welcome to the Freakin' Frog! -
... Sierra Nevada Pale Ale; Old Fog Horn Barley Wine; Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat. 4700 South Maryland Pkwy / Las Vegas, Nevada / (702) 597-9702.
.com/ -

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Workout on Saturday Feb 5th and Feb 19th

We will have workout on Feb 5th and Feb 19th at the Multi Gen.  Check the Calendar for details.

Feb 5th
Waves/Young Rapids 1pm-2pm
Older Rapids/Surfs 2pm-3:30pm
Masters 3:30pm-4:30pm

Feb 19th
Waves/Young Rapids 1pm-2:30pm
Older Rapids/Surfs 2:30pm-3:30pm
Masters 3:30pm-4:30pm

Saturday, January 29, 2011

400 Swim Times

These times were taken this Friday - impressive improvements!!

Jan 28th – Friday Conditioning: 400 Time – Improvement

Lake 6:10 to 5:21 improvement of 49 seconds

Gage 6:44 to 5:59 improvement of 45 seconds

Chole 6:34 to 5:37 improvement of 57 seconds

Noah 5:27 to 5:04 improvement of 23 seconds

Derek 6:07 to 5:21 improvement of 46 seconds

Joey 5:46 to 5:03 improvement of 43 seonds

Sarah 6:32 to 5:37 improvement of 55 seconds

Maci 5:47 to 5:26 improvement of 21 seconds

Dale 5:42 to 5:18 improvement of 24 seconds

Jorge 6:32 to 6:00 improvement of 32 seconds

K & E Hand Outs

Did everyone get the handout that Karen and Erika made for our team?  If not let me know via email and I will get you a copy (one per family).

Anyone over 13 year old: you will begin the 12 Week Course with you in Feb.  Read over, don't purchase any weights or bands - we will come up with the proper size you should be using.

Masters National - 2011

The Masters Nationals location and dates have or will be announced soon:
June 3-5, 2011 (All Day Friday, Sat and Sunday till late afternoon)
Northern California: Acalanes High School District and Diablo Water Polo Club

I would like to take at least one team - we have put in a bid to host Masters National here in Henderson and Vegas next year 2012 for May 18-20, 2012. Earlier because FINA World Masters Championships will be held early June.  So I think it is important we take at least one team Masters National. 

Entries will open Feb 8th so let me know before the 8th.  Thanks

Friday, January 28, 2011

ATTENTION!! Workout Tonight Jan. 28

Conditioning stays the same from 3:30-5:30pm at Heritage

All Groups will workout from 5-7pm at Heritage.

At 7pm the pool will be set up Carnival Style to celebrate the Birthday of Heritage Park.  This will include games and booths and some events.  The pool will be open swim for all.  You are encouraged to stay for the event, but it is not mandatory.

Admission for this is $1.  Please bring money and enjoy the festivities after workout.  

PARENTS THAT STILL NEED TO PAY FOR IRVINE - Please contact me if you unable to make to workout time and just able to come drop off fees.

Thank You,


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hotel Info for Irvine

Meeting Tonight


Tonight at workout I would like to have a quick meeting with you all regarding the KAP 7 Tournament before we enter any teams. You are receiving this email because you have expressed or confirmed your interest to participate in this Tournament.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 at Heritage Park.  It will be during workout so please be on time and let me know if you are going to be late or not able to attend.  

If it is determined that we have enough to take a team, please be prepared to pay your entry fee tonight. Entry will be $100 per player.  

Thank You and I hope to see you tonight.  

You can call or text or email if you have any questions

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

NO Workout Saturday Jan 29th

No workout Sat Jan 29th - no pool time available. 

Next Sat Feb 5th we will schedule a non water workout.  We might (might) go to Boulder City - Veteran Park 9-10 am Fishing (opt) 10-11:30 Team Walk/Chalk talks  11:30-12 noon Lunch everyone brown bags their own lunch.  12-1 pm play water polo without water so we will be playing Polo. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kap 7 Tournament

The Kap 7 Tournament is quickly approaching please let Mark know if you are attending.  Please let us coaches determine what teams the players will play on, this is a coaching decision and not a parent decision.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scottsdale Results

Great Weekend - A's took home the Gold, as Edwin would say Back to Back Baby!!  Our defense was the key to our wins and Marcus was pretty awesome in the cage!!  Congrats to: Marcus, Rob, Peter, Magee, Andre, Chris, Edwin, Ben, Robert, Joe and Mike.

Our B's were giant killers - beating Kaos Sunday morning was an awesome game!!  There willing to listen, learn and taking responsibly was their key for their performance!  Ryan was great in the goal, Jake was drawing kickouts at two meter, Zach our sprinter, Cliff, Brendan, Adam, Nik, Thor, Max and Louie!! I'll tell you our teams turned a lot of head!!!  We were the only team playing as a team!!!

Great weekend!!!  Very proud of both teams!!!

David's Head Phones

Did anyone find David's head phones at the Scottsdale Pool?  They are Red one?

Update from Arizona

The Masters "B" team takes down our ARCH NEMESIS in last day of competition.

TVH "B" beats Kaos 13 - 10.

TVH "A" advances to the Gold Medal game vs Scottsdale Masters at 1pm.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Change in Schedule

Whitney Ranch will be closing down for repairs starting on January 25th.

All club groups will now move to Heritage at the following times.

Monday - Conditioning 3:30pm - 6pm

TuesdaySurfs - 3:30pm - 7pm.  Waves and Rapids - 5:45pm - 8pm.

Wednesday - Conditioning 3:30pm - 6pm

ThursdaySurfs - 3:30pm - 7pm.  Waves and Rapids - 5:45pm - 8pm.

Friday - Conditioning - 3:30pm - 5:30pm.  Surfs/Older Rapids - 5pm - 7pm. Waves/Younger Rapids - 6:30pm - 8pm.

Saturdays - TBD.

Check calender for more detailing descriptions of workouts.

Irvine KAP7 Tournament

KAP7 International Tournament

Where: Irvine, California

When: February 11-13, 2011 Friday – Sunday

Teams available for entry are as follows:
10 & Under Coed
12 & Under Girls*
12 Under Boys
14 & Under Boys
16 & Under Boys

Age Determination is August 1st, 2011**

Hotel rate of $79+tax a night double beds, free breakfast, refrigerator in room.

Depending on how many teams we can field and enter as well as number of players attending cost can be anywhere from $80-$100 per athlete.

Please email me your intentions on attendance (yes, no, maybe) to this tournament by January 22nd Saturday.
If you have addition questions or concerns you can call 702-477-5529

This tournament has been moved up from original late spring date.  With such short notice of event date change we need to make a decision on entry soon. Thank you for understanding. 

*If we do not have enough 12U Girls to field a team they will enter in 12U Boys Division.
**Age group is determined by whatever your age is on August 1st, 2011. i.e if you turn 11 in     April of this year you are considering as being 11 for this tournament, even though you are actually 10 at the time of the tournament.

Brendan's Birthday

Adam from Utah got Brendan... ouch!!!  Picture of Brendan and Street Bike Tommy!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SAT Workout Jan 22nd

Last Sat water workout for a while:

Whitney Ranch Pool:

1-2 pm Waves and newer Rapids

2-4 pm Rapids - Surf's and Masters (most masters and 5 Surf will be in Arizona)

Mark will post our new schedule since Whitney will be closed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

No USWP - NO Workout Begins Today

If you are not registered with USWP you will not be allowed in the water begin today!  It is so important that every player is registered for insurance purposes.  If someone is hurt and anyone in the water is not registered with USWP the insurance is void:

Big Zach - Al - Krissy - Tebow.  You can sign up as a silver and up grade later to a gold for JO's.

Scottsdale Game Schedule

Games are all played at the Sun Jewish Community Center pool located at 12701 N Scottsdale Road.  Security is very tight at the facility for the first game of each day, you must enter the North entrance off Sweetwater Road.  All other games to enter through main entrance off Scottsdale Road.

The "A" and "B" team play back to back which is nice.  We can watch and cheer for each other.

As of today here are the teams: A's  Marcus - Peter - Magee - Joe - Robert - Ben - Chris D - Mike - Edwin - Andre.  B's  Ryan - Jake - Thor - Cliff - Louie -  Max - Brenden - Nik - Zach Jr - Adam - maybe Carlos.  Carlos have not paid yet.

Brenden will take balls and caps - get balls on Thursday at Heritage, I will give you caps on Tuesday.

For the 1st game please be at the pool 1 hour before game time after the 1st game meeting times will be announced.

9:00 am    B's vs Scottsdale A
10:00 am  A's vs ABQ Masters
2:00 pm   A's vs ASU
3:00 pm   B's vs UNM (University of New Mexico)
4:00 pm   A's vs Scottsdale B
There is a 5 pm game - after the last game Drew has a BBQ at his home... very nice last year!

9:00 am   Vegas B vs Kaos - this could change to an 8 am game
Last game will be the 4th vs 4th - 3rd vs 3rd - 2nd vs 2nd and 1st vs 1st.
Last game on Sunday begins at 1 pm.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know? Vaune Kadlubek, Mark St. John and Joe Peila were selected to the United States Water Polo Assembly... they will be attending meetings this weekend at the Assembly Meeting in Costa Mesa.

Did you know? Tony Chanove was voted the Superior Coach of the Year for the Mountain Zone.

Did you know? Louie Bejarano was voted on the Mountain Zone Board.
Did you know? Tony, Louie, Jake, Robert are Olympic Development Coaches and Mark St. John is our Mountain Zone Coordinator?

Congratulations ALL.... Great job and a Big Thanks for representing Team Vegas/Henderson

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Register with USWP for 2011

The following players have registered with USWP:
Marrisa, David, Thomas, Mike, Casey and Sam... you have one week to register ... then you can't get in the pool.

The City has told me there are many players who have not paid their dues and coming to workouts.  Please pay on the 1st day of workout for each month.  Coaches: The city wants us to take attendance, I have a meeting next week to see the what we have to do.  Will info you when I get the info.

If you have not paid your dues please do so!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Register with USWP for 2011

Everyone must be registered with United States Water Polo before you can attend workouts.  The following players have registered - the rest please do so TODAY!!  This is the good list:  Cliff, Ryan, Dr Phil, Stephen, Aram, Aaron, Bryce, Louie, Nolan, Tony, Mia, Sky, Gage, Lake, Dale, Derek, Joey, Sarah, Chris Drum, Nik, Santana, Lee, Erik, Andre, Arian Izadi, Raymond, Peter, Eleanor, Jake, Jared, Tyler, Bobby, Joe, Laura, Leslie, Ridge, Brendan, Jacob, Smitdy, Mark, Maci, Max, Thor, Noah, Finn, Leif, Mark Wasik, Robert, Rob, Vaune, Sandy.

Next week I will post the names of the people who cannot attend workouts until they register with USWP.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Karen and Erika

What a great weekend with Karen and Erika, they gave our team a new insight on what things we should be doing to get stronger and to prevent injuries.  If anyone needs to purchase a band let a coach know and we will have it for you at the next workout for $10.00.

We will be running off more copies of the packet that Karen and Erika made for our team.  For those who did not get a copy please let a coach know and we will get a copy to you (one per family).  We are reviewing the video we took and will soon have have it on a DVD for sale.

As impressed as we were with Erika and Karen they were impressed with our team.  They told me many times what great kids we have, how respectful, nice and just great kids!!

We are going to be doing dry land with our bands so bring them to every workout, bring a big towel so lay on, wear proper clothing, shoes.  You do not have to bring your Swiss Ball.  Parents please make sure they are doing their bands daily!!!  Sit ups or working their core!!

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Rob Says......


Rob toughed it out and got in and played goalie even with a broken hand!!

This clinic will not only help with information on preventing injuries and getting tone and in shape safely, but also teach you how to bounce back and recover after injuries.

Hope to see you all there!  Bring a towel, water, proper clothing... you are going to be given a training session!!!  Jan 8th - Sat at the MGP meeting rooms upstairs.  Parents Meeting 9-10 am - Clinic for Club 10-12 noon  -  Clinic for Masters and Older players 1-3 pm.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Parents Meeting - Clinic Players/Parents - Clinic Masters

Caring for your body is such an important part of any sport, if you are hurting or injured you can not play.  Karen and Erika are coming to Vegas to help you understand how you can help yourself to a long and injury free career in Water Polo.

Location: MGP up stairs in the meeting rooms
Date:       Jan 8th - Sat
Times:    9 am to 10 am Parents Meeting
              10-12 noon Club Players/Parents Clinic
              12-1 pm Lunch Break
              (1-2 Waves at Whitney - 2-3:30 Rapids/Surfs - Mark/Whitney)
              1-3 pm Masters/Older Club player Clinic
              (3:30-4:55 pm Masters/Older Club at Whitney)



ODP Players - Special Study Group

All Players who are in ODP: we are going to hold a special study session Sunday Jan 9th 3:30 pm to approx 7:30 pm at Sandy's.  Bring your Notebooks, pencil/pen and $5.00 we will order pizza.  I will provide the drinks.