Monday, June 07, 2010


Hello Team Vegas/Henderson Water Polo members,

As you should all know by now, our team's first annual fireworks booth fund raiser has begun! Each of you should have already received a pre-sales packet containing a product list and an order form. If you haven't (or need additional) see myself or Mark St. John.

Pre-sales are critical and will play a big part in the success of this fund raiser. This fund raiser has the potential to be very successful for our team so please put in your best effort. A goal has been set at $100 minimum in pre-sales per team member with prizes to be given to the top three in sales! It is important to remember that the deadline to turn in your pre-sales order forms and money to your group's coordinator is Tuesday, June 22 (only two weeks away!).

Pre-sales coordinator for the Waves group is Laura Aquirre. She can be reached at: or 303-6951.
Pre-sales coordinator for the Rapids and Surfs are Terri Garcia ( or 456-7027hm and 672-1572 cell) and Sandra Diaz ( or 622-7069).

Once we get the fireworks product on June 28th, the players will be responsible for picking up their pre-sales product from our fireworks booth and delivering the orders to the people that purchased from them.

Our booth will be located in the parking lot of "Horizon Short Line" gas station, 26 Horizon Ridge Pkwy (US95 and Horizon Ridge).

We will be manning our booth for one week beginning June 28 and ending July 4th. We have plenty of parents and Masters members to operate the booth during the week, each will be scheduled a minimal time at the booth. Trish Taylor (Max and Maci's mom) has volunteered to coordinate the scheduling of the booth - she will be contacting you in the near future for scheduling, or if you'd like, you can contact her at or 461-8222.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at: or

Thanks again,
Rob Wills

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