Sunday, August 24, 2008

San Diego Info

We have asked Angie to be the Head Team Leader for the San Diego trip, Angie will be in charge of all aspects of the trip (except coaching). Angie will be asking for 3 Assistant Team Leader (one for each team: 14's, 12's and 10's).

Duties for Angie:
1. Reserve Hotel - collect for rooms
2. Arrange Transportation - make sure everyone has a ride to SD and Back
-Also making sure all players get to their pools for their games.
-Collect Gas money and give to drivers
3. Appoint Assistant Team Leader for each team
4. Each team has water during games
5. Direction to and from Hotel and pools

I would like to see our players eating healthy and trying to stay away from fast food.. (when possible - sometimes we only have time to grab something quickly between games).

If you would like to assist Angie please let her know.

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