Sunday, June 03, 2007

Award Winners

The following were winners of the special awards: Congratulation to all!!

Sportsmanship Award: Matt Jr Brooks and Jenny Brooks
Coaches Award: Mary Brooks - Jake - Eleanor
Most Improved: Gabby - Max - Zach - Skyler - Josh - Steven - Joe P - Lee
Hardest Worker: Adam - Damon - Chandler
Spirit Award: Santana - Keith - Roger - Edwin
Defensive Player: Sam
Inspiration Award: Sonny - Anthony - Gregg
Getting It Award: Connor - Jacint - Magee - Eliz

Awards were also given out to every member of the team - if you were not present I will bring the awards for the Masters on Mon and Wed of this week to the pool. Tony or I will bring the awards for the Club players on Tuesday. If you do not pick on these dates you will have to set up special arrangements to pick up at our homes.

Jake and Elizabeth are our new Team Captains for the Club and two co/captains for the younger group will be selected.

Congratulations to every player on our team, you all did a great job and looking forward to again see the growth and progress of our team!!!

PS: Don't forget to think about going to Hawaii - Aug 2008.

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