Saturday, June 30, 2007

Up Date on Mark

The recent news Mark got was not what he really wanted to hear, but is staying positive.

Mark's cancer is reduced, which is good and the doctor thinks that there's a 50/50 change after Marks next two sessions, it'll be gone.

But, after that's done and Marks next scan, he's recommending that he do a bone marrow transfer, because since the cancer tumors were so big and advanced, this is the best way to ensure it doesn't come back again. So Mark is looking at some point this fall going to a hospital out of town for a month to get the transfer, then would have to stay in that same town for another month in case anything comes up.

Club Players - Sat 6/30

Don't forget to wear your Grey Team T-Shirt today. We are taking a picture for our sponsors.

Also let Sandy know if you are coming to the Party for Tony - Joe and Magee - next Sat July 7th after workout. Cost $5.00 for your food and Baby present.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Masters - Sat Workout

Masters - please come at 2 pm this Sat 6/30th to help the club kids with different skills.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Masters Workout

I really enjoyed Monday's workout!!! Black Group: Saw a lot of light bulbs going off. High points: Questions from players!!! Chandler putting the ball (passing) in the correct spot!!! Dave understand there is more to water polo then scoring. Red Group: Intensity level was really up there!!! Everyone swimming hard, playing hard and really trying to get our counter as a team counter attack.

We will work on one part of the game for at least 2-3 workouts in a row, so counter attack is the theme now.

Read and or copy the post about Counter Attacks.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tony - Joe - Magee

Baby Shower for our 3 players who's wives are having a baby soon. We will have the party July 7th - Sat after workout at Sandy's place.

Everyone needs to respond on this blog if you are coming. You also need to pay $5.00 per person coming to the Shower (Kids, parents, players are welcome.) The dead line to let us know if you are coming is July 5th (Thursday) This will cover your food and gift. Please bring your own drinks.

We are going to eat in two shifts: Club players come after workout eat and you can swim, play golf, play Wii, or just hang out. Masters come after workout - eat - eat cake - drink - eat.

Again the $5.00 will cover the cost of your food and money toward a gift for all three..... if you want to give something extra to any one, two or all three you can.

Sign up below!!!! Pay Sandy before July 5th!!!!

Shannon & Deva will be in charge of the party games for Adults!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Newport Tournament

The following have paid for Newport: Mary - Eleanor - Sam - Zach - Max - Keith - Kyle.

We need the following to pay: Gabby - Connor - Steven - Josh - Jared - Sonny - Tyler - Emilie - Santana. If you cannot go please tell Tony!!!

Dry Land for Younger Group

Remember there is dry land for all younger players:

Tuesday at Whitney - begins at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Thursday at Whitney - begins at 6:30 pm (the younger group will do dryland and would like the older group to help Robert with his beginners) so everyone come at 6:30 pm.
Friday at Multi Gen Pool 6 pm - 8:30 pm

Bring water!!!! if it is too hot you will not be outside!!!

Thur - Club Workout

Just got news: Whitney Ranch Pool is still closed - No workout today!! If any of the older players want to come to Friday's workout 6:30-8 pm you can. We will work on shooting.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Workout Theme: Wk June 25th

Counter Attack: We will be working on Counter Attack - Offense and Defense!!!

Must know: Must do:
1. Know where the ball is at
2. Don't watch what is happening - THINK!!!! What is going to happen and react before it happens.
3. Know where the ball is at
4. Know where your team mates are - know where the defense is at
5. Last know where the ball is at!!!!

More on Counter Attack:
Counter Attack

- Anticipate the shot, the steal, and the bad passes and take off to offense or defense.
- To anticipate you must know where the ball is at – At all times!!!!!
- 1 on 0 if you are pass half way, turn on your back so the goalie can hit you on your hand.
- 1 on 0 if you are not past half way, stay on your stomach and look swim.
- The top must release – Left – pass to the right (right does not wing out, swim straight down). Right passes to the center that may be open or will take the foul at set.


Other Notes on Counter Attack:

-Always stay an offensive threat – you may become the free player.
-Know we are going to shoot the ball and come back defense.
-Counter Attack: Goals: 1) Score 2) Get the ball down quickly for our set offense 3) Fatigue the other team 4) Counter each time, this will make the other team hesitant in their set offense 5) We must think about our Counter Attack as a game in it self: Which team will stop Countering first? We want to be the team that wins this part of the game!!! When they stop countering this gives us a time to rest for our next counter attack then “Game Over”

Club - Thursday workout June 21st

I am still waiting to hear if we are having workout on Thursday at Whitney. I will let you know when I know. Check checking in.

Masters Workout

Don't forget the new schedule will begin June 25th Monday.

The pool will be closed July 4th - Wed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Whitney Pool Closed

The Whitney pool will be closed Tuesday - everyone will workout at the Multi Gen Pool. 6:30-8 pm

The rest of the week we will be on the regular schedule:
Thur - Older group - Whitney 7-9 pm
Fri - Younder group - MGP 6-8 pm
Sat - Club 1-2:30 pm

Masters - New Workout Schedule

The Black and Red groups will begin Monday June 25th.

Black 6-7 pm Main Pool and 7-7:30 pm Conditioning
(Please be on time - we have to get the lane lines out)
Red 6:30-7 pm Conditioning and 7-8 pm Main Pool

Friday, June 15, 2007


The following have not paid June dues:
Dr Phil - Steven - Josh - Jared - Tyler - Emily - (Santana has tried and could not).... Masters: Magee & the following for 2 months: Foley - Erin and Alex.

Master - Black and Red Groups

After much thought I have decided to split the team into two groups: Black and Red: Workouts will be:

Monday and Wednesday's at UNLV
Group Black: 6-7 pm Main Pool
7-7:30 pm - Outside Lanes Conditioning
Group Red: 6:30-7 pm - Outside Lanes Conditioning
7-8 pm Main Pool

Black Group: Shannon - Gregg - Joey - Vaune - Chandler - Damon - Deva - Eliz Brooks - Paul - Dave Van Zanten - Jake - Alex Melia - Anthony - Brian Santarossa - Mike - Lee - Mark Waski - UP - John Melia (19)

Red Group: Matt - Jenny - Tony - Foley - Peter - Thor - Joe - Roger - Edwin - Robert - Rob - Magee - Zach - Mark SJ - Matt Jr - Carlos - Alex - Erin - Ryan Hatfield (19).

Here is next years tournament schedule:
Black - ASU - coed
Red - ASU - Men's Open

Red - California Tournament

Red - Nationals

Black - Oakland Coed Tournament

Black - Our Summer Tournament
Red - Our Summer Tournament
Red - Maui Tournament (Save up - get the time off)

We will take time for during:
Before Xmas to after the New Year
3-4 weeks after our Summer Tournament (everyone pay August dues and no dues in Sept)

Newport Tournament

The following players have paid $50 for the tournament, July 15th - Sunday: Max, Zach, Sam, Eleanor, Mary and Kyle. If you plan on going please have your money in by next week: June 22nd last day to pay.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Another Thank You to Rob Wills

Rob has gotten the team another Grant from Metro. $500 at the Turf Sporting Goods Store. Rob and I went there today and order the following:
5 each 1 kg medicine balls (Masters)
3 Agility ladders (Younger Club)
1 Cordless Portable PA

Thanks a million Rob!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

club no workout sat

i was just told there is a swim till 2;30 pm - so we will only have the older club; jake - alex - eric - andrew - etc - no zach - max - josh group....

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wow - check these shots out

For these shots to go in they had: Legs!!! Legs!!!! Intensity!! and more Legs!!! How hard are you working your legs?


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Award Winners

The following were winners of the special awards: Congratulation to all!!

Sportsmanship Award: Matt Jr Brooks and Jenny Brooks
Coaches Award: Mary Brooks - Jake - Eleanor
Most Improved: Gabby - Max - Zach - Skyler - Josh - Steven - Joe P - Lee
Hardest Worker: Adam - Damon - Chandler
Spirit Award: Santana - Keith - Roger - Edwin
Defensive Player: Sam
Inspiration Award: Sonny - Anthony - Gregg
Getting It Award: Connor - Jacint - Magee - Eliz

Awards were also given out to every member of the team - if you were not present I will bring the awards for the Masters on Mon and Wed of this week to the pool. Tony or I will bring the awards for the Club players on Tuesday. If you do not pick on these dates you will have to set up special arrangements to pick up at our homes.

Jake and Elizabeth are our new Team Captains for the Club and two co/captains for the younger group will be selected.

Congratulations to every player on our team, you all did a great job and looking forward to again see the growth and progress of our team!!!

PS: Don't forget to think about going to Hawaii - Aug 2008.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Thank You

Thank you all for the awesome Tiffany Bowl with engraving!! I hope everyone had a good time (I know the kids did, running around, getting wet, running around, eating and running around - then going to workout)

If you did not get your award - I will bring on Monday for the Masters and Tuesday for the older club players and Friday for the younger club players.

I will post the winners of the special awards.

Once again Thank you for your kind words and the present!!!


Workouts - Regular Times

Once again (and the last time):
Monday - Masters - UNLV 6-8 pm
Tuesday - Club Older - Multi Gen 6:30-8 pm
- Younger - Whitney 6:30-8:15 pm
Wed - Masters - UNLV 6-8 pm
Thurs - Club Older - Whitney 7-9 pm
Friday - Younger - Multi Gen 6-8 pm
Sat - Club - both groups - Multi Gen 1-2:30 pm
- Masters - Multi Gen 2-4 pm