Thursday, July 01, 2010

TVH at Kearns

Great job to all the players last weekend who attended the 13th Annual Summer Tournament.

Both the 15U and 12U teams ending up undefeated the entire weekend and both took home 1st place honors. All your coaches - Mark - Tony - Louie - Andre - Vaune - Sandy are very proud of each of you. When I heard the scores and how great you all were playing I knew it was our Team Defense that got us all the "W's".

Thank you to all the parents who were very supportive the entire weekend. From transportation, to making sure we all had water and drinks and snacks(un-expired snacks, thanks Angie) and shade.

Now on to Junior Olympic...!!!!

1 comment:

Vaune #2 said...

Great job to all!!!! Good Luck at your Junior Olympics Tournament!!!