Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Tournament

Thank you all for helping at our Spring Tournament. This was something we want to host every year - next year will are planning on bring back our 24 hour tournament which will include: age group and master's teams. Thank you masters for working the table (the club players felt lost because they did not have to work) also for reffin the games... this saved us so much money!!! Thank you Cheryl for taking charge of the concession stand and all the parents who helped behind the table. As usual Jake did an outstanding job as tournament director and Matt and Trish Taylor for helping Jake. Thank Louie Chanove for taking pictures and making the awards for the tournament. Joe for assigning the refs. Besides the wind and rain on Sunday it was a great tournament.

15's 1st: LAWPC 2nd TVH 3rd SB Girls 4th SB Boys 5th LAWP B 6th Commerce
12's 1st: LAWPC 2nd TVH 3rd Commerce 4th SB
10's Exhibition: 1st TVH 2nd Commerce

Thank you Louie for all your help too...


teamcurry said...

Thanks to Sandy and Tony as well, for all the time you dedicate to the players. Lake and Gage both had a great time !

Mark St. John said...

I had a blast working the table! We should host more often! And sunday was cold and windy and rainy but that's what made it fun...that you were all those things with your teammates. I have to say we have perfected the "extreme weather" table, clock, and reff'ing. I think team beanies and scarfs and gloves need to happen soon. :)