Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Club and Masters

Few reminders:

1. Club we still have DVD's for sale - I watched this last night, it is awesome. Lou did a great job. Next year we will put masters pictures in the DVD. DVD's are $10.00 each.... see Dale's Mom.

2. This Sat's workout will be our 1st Annual Super Pool Game (in honor of the Super Bowl). Thursday the Team Captain will select team and both groups (older and younger) will begin at 12:45 and end at 3:15 pm.

3. Master's Sat workout 3:15 to 4:30 pm and we will have our 1st Annual Super Pool Game. (Hunter need to to stay Marcus will not be there on Sat - Hunter for the month of Feb on Mon and Wed please come to masters).

4. We have suits - towels - bags in stock.... see Tony.

5 Masters still waiting to hear if we are in for the San Diego Tournament in May.

6. Mark down these dates, everyone will need to be free to work our Festival and Age Group Spring Tournament: Feb 20-22nd and March 20-21nd.

7. Master's don't forget March 2nd we start working out at the Multi Gen Pool Mon and Wed 6:30-8 pm. You only pay the $35.00 to the City, you can sign up online or at the front desk at either Whitney or MGP.

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