This weekend Jake - Ryan - Carrie and Joe played in the ASU Coed Tournament. Others who joined TVH: Craig Wilson (Oly Goalie), Margo Miranda (former National team player and TV player), Jocelyn Wilkie (former National Team player), Kyle and Hogan from Reno and Robbie from Penn.
We scrimmage Drew team on Friday night - we played pretty good for our 1st game and playing together.
We won all three games on Sat against: West Hollywood beat them by 6 or 7 goals, ASU was our best game be them by 3 goals, Sun Devil (Drew's B Team) won by several goals. This put us 1st in our bracket and played for the 4th year Burlingame... we lost this game as we were without Wilson (goalie) and Kyle our only hole set, Mark and AJ (players on ASU) played in the cage for us. Burlingame was too strong and experienced for our young men!!! We lost the final game 3-7.
Looking at all the team we had the best defense allowing the least amount of goals and in the final game we played a driving game instead of working the ball into set and worked out well for us. Good job by all!!!
Great Job!!!
Great Job!!!
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