Everyone should have the following goals all year long:
1. To improve leg strength by working hard during the conditioning phrase of workout.
2. To apply my leg strength to the game situation: thinking about my legs, body position during shooting drills, defensive drills and during scrimmages.
3. To improve my swimming – speed and conditioning.
4. To learn something new each day: The day you think you know it all is the day you will stop improving your game.
5. To have fun!!!
Goals for:
(These goals should be obtained before 2008)
Magee: -When shooting stay off your back.
-Counter hard both ways – you have the speed and not using it.
Rob: -Getting to high corners.
-Knowing when to come out and steal the ball from two meters.
Shannon: -Shooting without your arm going back so far and stay off your
-Move into open water without the ball.
Anthony: -You love offense and do great – Love Defense and do great.
-Keep a positive and open mind when learning the game, there
is a lot to learn – don’t get down.
Edwin: -Hands!!! Got to catch the ball and shoot off the pass
-Get in the best shape of your life!!!
Nabu: -Change some of those bad habits this year: Shooting off your
back, hand on top, thinking only offense.
-Stroke lessons!! When swimming you have to pull and then
push the water back..moving arms but not going fast.
Jacint: -It is OK to make a mistake, don’t get down on yourself or
make a big deal about it –learn and play on.
-Anticipate off and def, then use your speed to get open on
John: -Outlet passes on the counter attack.
-Communication to your defense and still mind your cage.
Frank: -Really work hard on doing the eggbeater correctly.
-Drive and play with grace, do not always play so physical.
Joe: -Team Leader (communicate) on offense.
-Offensive moves (drives, counter, setting) without so much
showmanship. Do it but not so much and not too often.
UP: -Don’t fake the ball every time you get the ball. When you do
fake it has to move the goalie.
-Since you have been gone we have several new systems, plays,
know all of them before the end of the year.
Zach: -Get in better swim shape (conditioning and speed). To play
with the A’s you have got to counter.
-When setting: be able to kick the ball out, need you to become
more mobile at set.
Greg: -Work the basic (passing, catching, legs, wing passes) and your
game will take giant steps.
-Watch polo games, ask questions and imitate what you see.
Jenny: -Posting up but first thinking drive and get inside or draw the
kickout, them posting up. Think this is going to open
a new game for you.
-Communicate to the guys; you have the knowledge and a good
feel of the game.
Tony: -Keeping your head up at two meters.
-Have fun, polo is fun, leave all the stress behind you. We all
know you work hard and give it your all, don’t get so
down on yourself.
Damon: -Try to watch the game in Panorama – see the entire picture,
not just what is in front of you.
-Work the basics: Legs, swimming, knowing where the ball is
at all times.
Alex: -Anticipate both way (O and D) then use your speed to get up,
don’t count on your speed to get up.
-Keep that left arm in the water while shooting – use the left
arm to stay up and stable your body.
Thor: -Don’t always just go down and set, post up when the other
team drops at two meters.
-Do NOT think draw the foul!!!! Think Do It!!! (no shaking
the head)
Foley: -Take the hole shot quicker, at times you hold onto the ball too
long and allows the defense to crash back.
-Try to make more workouts.
Vaune: -You are awesome at set, make sure your team knows they
will have to cover back on counter for you when you
are setting.
-Instead of lobbing tell your teammates to get open weak,
you fake and then make the assist to the weak side.
Lee: -Work the basics: Mostly legs, passing and catching.
-Offensive counter attack – know where the ball is at,
you are up many times and should get the ball
if you look back at the ball.
Jake: -Be a threat every time you have the ball, you always look
like a passer.
-When swimming move your arms quicker – fast turn over.
-Counter shots: up/down and stay out of the 1 meter!!!
Carlos: -Do not push off!! This will be called offensive and they will
turn the ball over.
-Stop making the noise when you make a mistake!!! The noise
does not and will not make the mistake go away, only
brings attention that you screwed up.
Eric: -Come to workouts!!!!
Roger: -Def on Drives: swim with them, don’t hand check, stay off
their backs.
-Quick outside shots – don’t drop your elbow and you are on
your back just a bit.
Paul: -Read this goalie article that Wilson wrote – I will email to you.
Let me know when I can email this to you.
-Lateral movement – use legs, can’t swim from post to post.
Robert: -Fronting two meters and when you are behind or think they
may get set you have already told someone you might
need help – not when you need the help.
-Shooting different types of shots – side arm, lay on side shot,
skip, etc.
Erin: -Come to workouts.
Dave: -Learn the plays
-Eggbeater – your legs are the base for your shooting, you have
a good shot without using your legs, just think what you
can do when you use your legs.
Did I miss anyone?
Does anyone know about the guy from UNLV, he came at the end of the summer?
Thanks Sandy. I Will work on these. Rob.
Thanks Sandy...I will work on mine and it helps to to know where everyone should be so that we can help each other (nicely)...I know I need a reminder from time to time to swim back more often.
Chris M
Great job - thanks for taking the time - Yes, will work on not lobbing and getting back!!!!
Vaune #2
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