Monday, January 29, 2007

Fallbrook Results

It was a weekend filled with water polo games, eating, water polo games, eating and more water polo games. It was as much fun watching the parents smiling and watching their child doing so well. Results:
-10 & Under Coed - won 2 games and lost 2 games - finished 2nd (4 teams)
-12 & Under Coed - won 2 games and lost 2 games - finshed 3rd (9 teams)
-16 Boys - won 4 games and lost 1 game - finished 4th (24 teams)

10 & Under Highlight: watching the progress of our brand new players! McCarthy getting in the cold water on Sunday (thanks to Zeek's comment "Suck it up like a MAN")
12 & Under Highlight: Beating Commerce and advancing 1st in our bracket - watching Mary - Eleanor and Max step up and taking care of the newer players.
16 & Under Boys (with 3 girls and one 13 year old boy) This group of players came to Fallbrook to play water polo, they took care of business and at the same time they had fun and did not need much supervision.

As most of you already know I truly believe in Defense!!! Players who play great defense don't usually get the attention the players who score goals - I would like everyone to know what a great job Andrew did fronting two meters which turned into over 75% of our goals, kick outs, shot attempts because the other teams could not get the ball to even begin their offense started. So almost every goal everyone scored on a counter attack remember it started with Andrew's two meter defense.

I also want to Thank the parents who drove to support the team and help when needed. So "Thank You Very Much"

Another big Thanks to Tony for taking over for coaching duties for Mark these past 4 months. Tony great job coaching this weekend - I know he is very proud of how all the teams did this weekend.

Everyone loves to win - everyone loves to have a fun time - we did it all this weekend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great weekend ....excellent work Team Vegas/Henderson....Rob.