Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Marathon - Meeting

From Rob Wills:

Final leg positions for the New Las Vegas Marathon have been determined by their staff. I will distribute leg assignments for the day of the run (Sunday, Dec 10, 2006) to all Team Vegas/Henderson Water Polo volunteers at our Saturday, 11-25-06 workout. Please plan on attending this meeting to receive your packet with the specific instructions for your particular leg. One of our responsibilities this year is to set up a running clock at each leg. They are fairly simple to operate and I will be bringing one of the clocks to demonstrate how it works at our meeting. If you have a request to work a particular leg in the race please let me know as soon as possible as I am finalizing the assignments this week. And again, thanks for volunteering on behalf of OUR team.

Whitney Ranch Pool deck
Saturday, 11-25-06, 2:45 pm
duration 15 minutes

Rob Wills

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