Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Drivers for the LV Marathon

Rob Wills has made contact with the Las Vegas Marathon and they have agreed to let our team (Club and Masters) drive all 30 trucks. This is going to be a great fund raiser for the team - we will make $3,000.00 for one day's work. Each driver will drive a U-Haul truck to a watering/aid stationing along the running route. The truck will be loaded for you and unloaded by the group of people working each watering/aid station. You and your partner will begin at 3-4 am and finish when all the runners have pasted your station and return your truck. More info will following - what you need to do now is:

1. Fill out the drivers form - RETURN TO ROB OR SANDY BY SATURDAY OCT. 14TH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will drive one of the trucks. Little Matt can help me, but we will need to get an early aid station since he has a big swim meet that weekend and will need to be done with the Marathon as early as possible. Sunday is the last day of the meet, and I need to get him somthing to eat and have him out at Desert Breeze park by 11 AM, or possibly noon at the very latest.
