Monday, May 22, 2006

Tournaments - Club & Masters

OK this is the last time I am asking for players to pay their cost for the tournaments:

Master Nationals
-Carlos $75
-Foley $4
-Thro $10
-Mark SJ - $75

Club for CHAWPS - June 24th
-David $40

Murrieta July 8th - Sat $30
Need payment from:
Eliz - (paid Alex - Jenny - Eliz Brooks - Vaune - Shannon - Chandler)
July 9th - Men's $30
paid: Rob, Matt Sr, Matt Jr., Brad, Mike, Jacint, Joe, Eric, Jake

Murrieta July 9th - Sun $30
Need payment from:
Mark SJ - Magee - Jacint - Ben Rietz (?) - (paid Mike C - Jake - Matt - Matt- Brad - Eric- Joe-Rob)

Kearns: See Belinda (Nik's Mom) these payments are due also

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