Saturday, April 01, 2006

All Right!!! Yard Sale!!!

Before I give you the final total in sales, I want to Thank the following players and parents who helped: Pam & Jeff gammas for getting this event off the ground.

The following donated items for the Yard Sale: Sandy, vane, Pam & Jeff gammas, Melissa, Thro, Drew, Mike, the Brooks, march & Andrew, anise & Adam, Patti & Ryan, Luis & his boys, Tony & scalier & Rob Wills.

The following players/parents worked the Sale: Thank you: vane, Jenny and march for getting the items for sale organized. Patti & Ryan were the 6 am shift and thanks for the great bagels!!
anise and Adam were also the morning shift. Tony was a great wheel dealer, then Rob stepped in was a real salesperson out there. Players who help: Alex, Andrew, scalier, Hunter, Eleanor, Sam, Mary, McCarthy. The later shift was: Valerie melee, march, Jenny, Matt. The clean up shift was: McGee and his truck - Mike - Valerie - march and vane. UP lives alone and dose not have anything to donate but will make a donation to the club. Thanks UP.

The total was: Seven hundres and sixty seven dollars.... $767 (vaune put in a few pennies to round it out). We are planning on using this money to host an Awards Day - for both the club, masters and your family. A Bar-B-Que, games, prizes and a few awards. This will happen at the end of the summer.

I am disappointed in the lack of team participation in both the donations and help. But we will still use this money for the entire team.

For those who made donations, Thank You!! For those who helped at the Yard Sale, Thank You!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a big THANK YOU, Sandy and Vaune, for hosting the garage sale at your house! Thank you, Sandy, for taking the time and effort to put up with the commotion and the mess. Thank you for your unselfish hard work. Your drive and energy is admirable. Our children are very fortunate to have you for their coach. I sincerely appreciate that you go out of your way for them.
