Monday, May 31, 2010

This Week

We will remain at the same pool and times this week June 1st to June 4th. I will post the new summer next week.

Parents Meetings This Week

For the Waves - Tuesday, June 1 at 6:30pm at Whitney Ranch before workout.

For the Rapids and Surfs - Thursday, June 3 at 7:50pm right at the end of workout at Heritage.

Both meetings should take about 10-15 minutes.

Thank You

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Memioral Day

Memorial Day - Monday no workout

All next week I will have in my car everyone's trophy who could not make the Picnic. After next week, you will need to come to my place to pick up your award.

Sat Workouts will now be outdoors at the MGP:

1-2 Waves and Younger Rapids
2-3:15 Older Rapids and Surfs
3:15-4:30 Masters

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Award Winners

Sportsmanship: Sam Murphy, Lake Curry, Max Taylor and Rob Wills
Coaches: Gage Curry, Jorge Aguirre, Nik Galvan, Jacint Simon
110&: Maci Taylor, Noah Thorson, Zach Jones, Nabu Reyes and Edwin Ko
Most Improved: Molly Kalsman, Chole Foley, Nolan Benner, Dale Corey, Chris Drum, Peter Lorring.
Leadership: Mia Chanove, Aleena Almendarez, Eleanor Marrs, Marcus Conklin
Olympian: Sarah DeFusco, Andre Hines, Brendan Sarnecky
Way of Life: Aaron Arias, Jarrod Parisi, Skyler Chanove, Lee Gottschalk, Joe Peila, John DeFusco.

Special Awards were also presented to: Baby G, Dillion, Myles, Cody's son #5, Andi (Jorge's youngest sister), Big Ben, Abbi and Maci Magee.


Kearns will have a 12 & Under Coed division!!! Sign up today!!

Sat May 29th Outdoors Again!!

Beginning this Saturday May 29th we will be a MGP:

1-2 pm Waves and Younger Rapids
2-3:15 pm Rapids Older and Surf's
3:15-4:30 pm Masters

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Team Member on the News


Ryan will be on the news today giving an interview for a clip called "Teens Wanting Jobs" Its tonight on FOX 5 at 10pm-11pm BE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Award Picnic

Come join us May 22nd Saturday for the awards picnic!! Every player will receive an individual trophy and several special awards will be presented.

Just a reminder about our Awards BBQ this Saturday at Vet. Mem. Park from 11-3.
Remember to bring your potluck dish, chairs, blankets ( there will not be table
space), suntan lotion and drinks. The pavilion is not very big, so if you have
an ez-up you might want to bring it. Also if you have football, soccer ball,
Frisbee etc. Our pavilion is right next to the splash park so wear your suits
and bring your towels.
Vet. Mem. Park is located on the south side of Boulder City on Buchanan Blvd.
The main park entrance is located on Buchanan Blvd. approximately 1 mile south
of the junction of Buchanan Blvd. and Nevada Hwy. (US 93). From the main park
entrance, turn right and follow the access road to the parking area right in
front of the splash park. Gazebo #1 sits to the left of the splash park.
FYI there is also plenty of electricity at our gazebo.

Team will provide Hot Dogs - bring your own drinks and each group was assigned dishes to bring.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Workout Schedule for May



Town House for Rent

Dandy has a townhouse he wants to rent - here is info on the Townhouse:

The townhouse is 2 bedroom 2.5 bath on Silverado Ranch and Bermuda. It's around 1600 square feet or so, with a big master bedroom. It is conveniently located next to the pool and clubhouse and the neighbors are all very nice.

Monday, May 17, 2010

San Diego Finest

Not in picture: Skyler our Video Man #2.

Team did 110% better than last year!!! First Game was against Newport - this team had 3 Former and present Olympians... game started off 2-0 Team Vegas!! Louie said other teams coming in the pool area took double takes at the score, went to the score table and asked who we were? Then yelled Yeah Vegas!!! Going into the 4th quarter we were 1 or 2 goals behind, we lost on the score board but we won the game!!! Such an improvement... still had a few bad passes that turned into a counter attack goal for Newport but all in all our defense was very good.

Second Game: we Played West Side - a younger team with players from UCLA and some junior college players - it was a pretty easy win --- we went 2nd in our bracket which meant we were now playing for 7-12th. The next game we played the Sharks 20 most players were player who just got out of college from D1 colleges, they were young, in shape, fast and very good players. It was a good game, both teams had to work for everything.. was not a run away game... but we lost. Next we played Sunset 40's.. again same type of game and our 3rd game for the day and we were without Matt Brooks (had to study for finals). Sunday we played BAM and won this game because they did not have sub and used players from other teams - they were not fast but very big, strong and good half court players.

Last year we got 2nd to the last 17th... this year we finished 11th!! (without Jacint, Dandy) Good job guys... Our goalies played great .. not one bad pass (lol)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Help Needed

Does anyone on the team know how to set up a non profit for our club... or knows anyone who can help!! Our non profit expired and need to get a new non profit before we can get permission to sell the fireworks.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Player from UK

Chris Keen a player from the UK - England would like to come and play with us this summer... here is what he is looking for? Can anyone help him out?

I will be heading out to Las Vegas in a few weeks time. I was hoping you could put the word out that I'll be looking for some accommodation while I'm out there, if anyone has rooms to let (rent)out for a couple of months over summer, (June 8/9th until September 1st). Im a 22 year old - white male - non-smoker - non-drinker. Im looking for a room in the region of about $400 - $500 / month. This would be great if you could pass the word around.

Im looking forward to playing some polo with the masters set up, hoping it will get me into shape before my season starts when I get back to the UK.

Let me know if you can help Chris out... I will give you his email address and you can set things up.

May 13 adn 14th Thur and Friday

Due to a swim meet Heritage will be closed our workout will be moved to MGP on Thursday and Friday from 6-8 pm. Waves stay at Whitney on Thursday.

Summer Workout Schedule

Tentative Summer Schedule:Begins sometime in June - Stay tuned for more info.

Splashball: Tue - Whitney 7-8 pm

Waves: Tue & Thur - Whitney 6:30-8 pm
Fri at MGP 6:30-8 pm
Sat at MGP 1-2 pm

Rapids: Tue, Thur, Fri - MGP 6:30-8 pm
Sat at MGP 1-2 pm Younger Rapids
Sat at MGP 2-3:15 pm Older Rapids

Surfs: Tue, Thur - Heritage 3-4 pm Dryland
4-6 pm Water
Fri - MGP 6:30-8 pm
Sat - MGP 2-3:15 pm

Conditioning: M-W-F - Heritage 4-6 pm

Masters: Mon & Wed - UNLV 7-9 pm
Sat - MGP - 3:15-4:30 pm

Check our blog before each workout in case there is any last min changes.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Workout Next Week & Reminders

May 13th - Thurs: Rapids and Surf's will be at MGP (Heritage has a swim meet) 6-8 pm.
May 14th - Friday: Waves, Rapids, Surf will be at MGP 6-8 pm.

Sat 15th - Whitney: 11:30-1:30 pm Waves and Rapids Surf's and Masters 1:30-3:30 pm

Mark your calendars: May 22nd Awards - June 19th Poker Tournament - We are selling Fireworks this year, plan on pre sales and working the booth.

We will be asking parents and players about attending the Kearns Tournament June 24-27th. And Junior Olympics - Boys July 31st to August 3rd - Girls and 10&Unders August 5-8th.

ODP's Please sign up

Please sign up for ODP before May 15th!!!

ODP Phase 3 Info
The new phase for the Olympic Development Program will begin for our area June 5th and 6th (Sat and Sun). You must register online at, click the ODP icon, click Registration. The cost is $120.00 you can pay on line to USWP.

Date: June 5th - Sat at MGP
10-11 am - Class
11-1 pm - Water
1-2 pm - Lunch
2-5 pm - Water

Date: June 6th - Sun at Heritage
12-1 pm Class
1-5 pm Water (bring snacks and water on deck)

While on this site read over what the program is all about, if you have questions ask me and I will help you with your questions.

I would like to following players to register: Stephen, Andre, Jarrod, Derek, Joey, Ashton, Santana, Lake, Nik, Noah, Casey, Jorge, Al, Sam. (some of the younger players it is still very early for you to begin ODP - if you can afford to do ODP then it would be good, if you would rather wait this is not a problem Chole, Mia, Maci, Sarah, Molly, MR, and Aaron. Parents you have to be willing to let your child travel to camps in Reno, Utah or Colorado.

Everyone who is presently in ODP will continue on unless you will be a Senior in High School next year.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Brasil Player

We have another player from Brasil who wants to come and play water polo with us. Her name is Lolo, 14 years old, she is a goalie and will be here in Vegas from July 1st to August 1st. I am trying to get her out a little sooner so she can go to the Utah tournament with our team at the end of June.

Is there one or two families who would like to have take Lolo for a few weeks? She is not a shy as Iza was - lol. When I coached in Brasil my assistant coach was Rodney Bell (a great guy) and this is Rodney's goalie... Rodney said she is a very nice person and loves water polo. What more could we ask for!! Thanks.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Sat May 8th Workout Times

Sat at Whitney:

11:30 to 1 Waves and younger Rapids
1 to 3 Older Rapids and Surf
3-4:30 pm Masters
Masters if attendance does not improve on Sat I am going to combine your workout with the Surf's only, this is what your workouts are now - half masters and half our older age groupers.

San Diego Finest

Game Schedule for Finest:

May 14th - Friday 6 pm vs Newport (very good team) be at the Pool 5 pm - please don't be late!!! Begin to think about Defense now!!! We force our offense we are going to get beat on the counter!!

May 15th - Saturday 8:30 am vs Solana Beach - 8 am on pool deck!! We will have two more games on Saturday.

May 16th - Sunday - depends on win lost record - first game begin at 10:30 am and we should be over by 1 pm.

The Women's NCAA National Championships are be played at San Diego State if you want to go watch a few games. There is an admission fee.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Fireworks Fund-raiser

Hello Team Vegas/Henderson members,

It looks like our request to operate a fireworks booth has been accepted by Phantom Fireworks. This will be a great opportunity for our members to raise up to $4000 each year for the team fund. If everyone donates a few hours of their time during the 4th of July week we will be successful with minimal effort.

Phantom will be contacting me soon with possible locations to choose from for our booth. The charge for booth locations is pricey and is the largest line-item cost of the fund-raiser. However, if we secure our own booth location free of charge we will reduce our costs, and in-turn increase our profit. If you know of a place in Henderson for our booth location without cost please let me know.

The key to our success will be "pre-sales". Sometime before July Phantom will be giving me order forms which I will be giving to team members to generate sales from family and friends.

I will be sending out more information as it gets closer.

Thank you,

Rob Wills