Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mark - Mentally Tough

Before I tell you what happened today you have to understand the following: Mark has to take two steps forward, then one step back to go to the next two steps forward. Today in Mark's mind it was the one step backward because he won't be able to get up from bed for about 5 days. But with this step Mark now has skin cover the top of his thigh, this is great for his road to recovery.

Mark had the operation and everything went fine!!!!! The Doctors took a thin layer from his left leg (good leg) and put it over the open wound. They also cleaned up the top lower leg and bottom lower leg of any infection. Mark was in good spirits after the operation - he wanted water since he did not eat or drink anything for 17 hours. It was a long but good day!!

Mark - Operation Saturday

Mark is having another operation to remove the infection from his leg. The operation will take place today, Saturday September 30th, at 11:00 am.

Mark is getting up from bed, sitting in a chair for a few hours a day, he is also walking around his room with the help of his PT's and walker. The really great news is he is eating again - not to what he use to eat (I don't think they have enough food in the hospital for that) - with Mark eating again the healing will begin.

Club - Fallbrook

Just got the date for the Fallbrook Tournament: Jan 27-28, 2007 - mark it down. We will take a boys team (with our older girls) and a younger team.

More info will follow - Sandy

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Club - Boys - Junior Olympics

I am planning on taking a boys and a girls team to Junior Olympic next summer - Aug 2007. These Junior Olympics will be held in Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mark and I will need help organizing air transportation, ground, hotel, vans, etc. We are also planning on asking a few players from Arizona and Utah to join us. If you have the time and interest please let me know.

Thanks Sandy

New Arizona Game Schedule

Last night I passed out the game schedule for the Tucson Tournament - well today I got a new game schedule. See Below:

Fri 5 pm vs Arizona "B" (be at the pool by 4:30 pm)

Sat 9 am vs Clayton (be at the pool by 8:30 am)

I will give everyone a new schedule on Sat.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Club - No Workout on Friday

Friday Sept 29th - the swim team is having a special event - there was no room for us at Whitney so there will not be any workout on Friday.

We will have workout on Sat - Multi Gen Pool 1-2:30 pm and 2-4 pm masters.


Sorry - No Visitors

Mark just called and told me he has an infection and can't have visitors. They found some type of infection on his leg and only doctors/nurses can go in and they have to wear the mask, gown, head cap, booties etc.

Will let you know when it is OK to visit.... Sandy

Mark - Visitors OK

Mark is up to having visitors, it will be best if you text Mark before you come to visit in case he is either sleeping or his dressing is being changed - in which case he can't have visitors. Text him at the following #: 477-5529. If there is no answer he is sleeping or busy.

Mark is at UMC in the burn unit - 6th floor. Room 610. Best to come down Charleston, make a right turn on
Tonopa (Sav-On on the corner), park in the parking lot. Walk to Adult Emergency doors (2nd set of doors), walk down the hall, make a right, walk down the hall, make another right to the elevators, go to the 6th floor. Ask the person at the front you are there to see Mark St. John room 610. You have to wash your hands before you enter the ward.

There is a family room next to Mark's room you can wait in if he has more than 2 visitors at a time, or if he is busy with the doctors or nurses. No flowers or fruits are allowed.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Arizona Game Schedule

Here is the entire game schedule for Arizona. Please be at the pool 45 mins before the Friday game. Who is driving? Can you take the balls and caps with you?

2006 17TH ANNUAL

A Bracket: Ariz "A" - Monsoon - Old Mission Bay
B Bracket: Clayton - CHAWP - Ariz "B"
C Bracket: Santa Barbara - Ex-Cats - ASU Masters
D Bracket: New Mexico - Vegas Masters - Old Pueblo

Friday Games:
3 pm A1 V A2
4 pm B3 vs B2
5 pm C3 vs C2
6 pm D3 vs D2 (Old Pueblo vs Team Vegas) - be at pool 5:15 pm

Sat Games:
9 am A2 vs A3
10 am B2 vs B1
11 am C2 vs C1
12 noon D2 vs D1 (Team Vegas vs New Mexico) be at pool 11:30 am
Rest of games depend on win lost record:
3rd in Bracket - no more games on Sat
2nd in Bracket - 8 pm
1st in Bracket - 6 pm

Sunday Games:
could have games at 10 am - or as late as 4 pm.

LOCATION: University of Arizona- Tucson, AZ



QUESTIONS: PLEASE CONTACT Eric Qualls (951) 776-7651


Master National Championship - All Americans

Congrats to Tony and Jenny both are All Americans at the 2006 Masters National Championships.

Click link:
- click masters on left side
- click Master All Americans


Monday, September 18, 2006

Daddy Drew

Drew is a proud Daddy ! !

Jackson Brick Bauer
1:05 am - Friday, Sept 8th
7 lbs 4 oz - 20 inches long

Everyone is doing fine

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Check It Out

Check out this site - a little something on Masters World Championships.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mark - No Visitors

Right now Mark does not want any visitors, he is pretty down now - everything is sinking in - it has now become real to him. If you came, the nurse's will not allow you in the ward.

Will keep you posted.... Sandy

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Mark is doing good

Mark's operation went good - they covered his open wounds, which was a biggie!!! He is still on pain drugs and is pretty much out of it.... Mark needs his rest this week - I think he will be OK with visitors next week. I will keep you posted.

Mark is really going to need us for support, to help with his recovery and just to be there for him!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Mark is having another operation today at 10:00 am - they are going in to take a look at what exactly they need to do. They may close the wound (which would be great news) or they may have to leave it open for a while longer. He is still out of it - talking to you - then he is sleeping the next second.

If you want to send cards - send to:

Mark St. John
7050 Ovation Way
Las Vegas NV 89119

Will keep you posted - Sandy


They are going to operate on Mark again - this time to check what the condition of his leg, to find out what the next step will be..... skin graft. Yesterday was football and he did not watch much of it, so you know he is not him self yet. His mom and uncle are always with him, Mark's aunt comes in Tuesday. He still should not have visitor until they close the wound on his leg.

You can email Mark at:

Don't text or call him yet - you don't want to wake him, as he sleeps on and off all day.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Mark St. John - In Hospital

Mark was in an accident at work - he is OK now!! One of those big John Deer rig ran him over and crushed his foot and took part of his skin off his thigh. He underwent reconstructive surgery and is presently in the burn unit at UMC. He will be at the hospital for at least 10 days to 3 weeks. Right now he should not have visitors right now because of the possibility of infection. He is going to be scheduled for another surgery when he is strong enough.

Right now the best thing to do is to email him (don't text or call his cell) at:

More information will follow - Sandy

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

U of A Tournament

We have entered in the University of Arizona Tournament - Oct 6-8th (Friday to Sunday) The following players - please bring a check for $75 to workout on Sat, Sept 16th.

1. Rob Wills
1A. Matt Brooks
2. Vaune Kadlubek
4. Jenny Brooks
5. Tony Chanove
6. Dave Thorson
7. Roger Wong
8. Edwin Ko
9. Brad Senef
10 Robert Wills
11. Dave Foley
12. Chris Magee

Eric, Tournament Director said we could have a game Friday 6 pm. The closest hotel is the Marriott on Campus - book online - they don't have any special deals with any hotel. The last game on Sunday will be at 3 or 4 p.m. The pool is 30 meters!!! We will miss Jacint!!!