Tuesday, September 06, 2005

September - 6 on 5 Month

This month we will be covering 6 on 5 offense and defense!! I have written a few things on 6 on 5 - PLEASE read and if you don't understand ask questions out of the water!!

Basic Rules of: 6 on 5 Offense and Defesne

1. Pass the ball – Shots to come off a pass with no fake before the shot. End of time to fake and then pass and shot.
2. No 1 to 6 passes – No 6 to 1 passes!!! Use closest top then over to 1 or 6.
3. Post moving in, out and on the Dice.
4. 1st pass must be the safest pass.
5. Get open for a Quick – don’t just set up.
6. Release for a Quick/Quick.
7. Don’t force the ball inside to the post.
8. If they force the ball inside to you, you do not have to shot the ball but you can kick the ball back out.
9. On the post – when the ball is coming to you, don’t wait for the ball – meet the ball.

Idea is to pass the ball to open up a 2 on 1 situation. Faking and faking the ball all you create is a 1 against the goalie and at least 1 to 2 field defenders!!

1. Get your arm up before they get the ball – this is to discourage a shot, don’t let them think they can shoot the ball.
2. Don’t wave you arm – bend your arm and just forward, keep your body even (don’t tilt).
3. X1 and X3 must have a hand on the post man – don’t sit in the goal. Feet pointing on an angle towards the wall.
4. X4 and X5 cover post 1st – if 4 or 5 walk the ball in go out with an arm up, then get back to the post.
6. If you man is sliding you must ask for help from top.
7. Bait passes on the top – but don’t go up each time.
8. When we stunt we all stunt and don’t stop.
9. When you get KO make sure it is you, tell everyone you are out – don’t get in the way – tell everyone when you are even again. If they forget about you ask the ref.
10. If you foul get back and everyone press.
11. Goalies will tell X1 or X3 to move: over or in.
12. Once you hand is up you never drop your hand to move out on the person with the ball… move out with your hand up.
13. Break up any passing patterns.
14. Watch the man behind you.
15. Try to guess and stunt out before they get the ball.

Now these are just the basic rules!!! This is the best part of water polo – it is like a puzzle, a chess game, trying to out wit our opponents.

Passing patterns: 6-5f-6-5f-6-3leg out shot – there is a passing pattern to open every position.

Please post your name so I know you read this - Thanks Sandy